I read a lot. Probably too much. I just read a post on leadership by Harold Jarche. Good post, go read it. But it also prompted a thought which I got from Thomas Leonard, arguably the modern father of coaching: "If you want to be a coach, start coaching!" So if you want to lead, start leading! But what does that mean to someone who is just starting out ... or their current behaviour isn't working? This leads me to another quote (sorry, I'm full of it today!): "A leader takes their team/people from a known, to an unknown." And what that means is, a leader will have a progression point they want others to get to as well. A progression point assumes the place you are heading is better than where you are (hence "progress") and there is a specific point where you will recognise that place (hence "point"). You can't lead a group if you don't have a clear idea where you are going. (Well, I don't thin...
While I get my head around the main theme of this blog I thought I'd start adding a few things I have wanted to do for a while and the first one is my home screen on my Nexus 4. This is not meant to be a shot of "beauty" or how tricked out my phone is. It's more towards productivity - what apps I use, why and why they are in the home screen as opposed to other screens. So, here's my home screen: The dock section contains the apps I use everyday: Mail, Hangouts for SMS, Chrome to browse (obviously) and the phone app. I don't play games so there are none here ... at all! (a tad sad perhaps!) Then, going from the bottom up are my: Business apps: Drive for access to my documents online. I am learning to use this more and more to eliminate the thoughts of "where is that document?" distraction. Everything I am working on goes into Drive. So if I am out and about I know I will have access to anything I need. For example, I met up with a recr...